How should foreigners apply for a residence permit?

Foreigners who want to reside in China for a long time generally need to apply for a residence permit. Foreigners need to apply for different types of residence permits for different reasons of residence.

Foreigners applying for foreigner residence permits shall personally go to the exit and entry management agency of the public security organ of the local people’s government at or above the county level in their place of residence to handle relevant procedures, and retain biometric information such as fingerprints. Foreigners’ residence permits in China are mainly divided into the following five categories:

Work related residence permits, holders of Z-visas entering the country, should submit work permit certificates issued by local human resources and social security, foreign experts and other competent departments, as well as proof letters issued by their work units

For study residence permits, holders of a one character visa entering the country should submit a letter from their school indicating the study period and proof of admission or enrollment

Journalist type residence permits, holders of J1 visas entering the country, shall submit a letter issued by the foreign affairs department of the provincial people’s government and a “Journalist Certificate” issued.
Reunion type residence permits, holders of Q1 visas entering the country, should submit proof of the identity of the person being visited and a letter explaining the family member relationship.

For personal affairs residence permits, individuals holding an S1 visa entering the country and visiting relatives should submit a letter and residence permit issued by the visited person explaining the relationship between relatives (spouse, parents, spouse’s parents, children under 18 years old).

Application materials

1. A valid passport or other international travel document;

2. Fill out the foreigner visa application form and submit a photo that meets the standards of the “Guidelines for Taking Exit Entry Document Photos”;

3. Proof materials related to the application reason;

4. Other necessary procedures and proof materials that should be fulfilled can be submitted for verification in their original form and copies retained.

Processing time

After examination, if the foreigner’s residence permit application meets the acceptance criteria, it shall be accepted and a receipt of acceptance shall be issued, and a decision shall be made on whether to issue it within the validity period of the receipt. The validity period of the receipt of acceptance for the residence permit application shall not exceed 15 working days from the date of acceptance.

Contact US

  • Call us: (+86) 186 6503 0152
  • Room 1713 Wuyangxincheng Square, No. 111-115, Siyouxin Road, Yuexiu District, GZ, China

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